Pahoa, HI, 1992
Plants cry for healing rain Free of any manmade stain
Purity and courage find, those with faith see golden
Light of hope, will of Good, sees the truth, yes, here
and now!
God-given waters, Earth seeking, sky reaching high
Sun Angel waits, Clouds
Good of earth is sun's light
Air's breath, washed and bright
With Tahuti, waters flow
Living violet, roses glow
Path to heaven lies within
See the Peace rose
Trace the light flows
Blue-green, Unite in peace
With dolphins showing flips of grace
Will the healing, Seal this place
Stop the rape of sacred space!
in response to continued attempts to open a
geothermal plant in Hawaii on an active volcano.
Unfortunately, after all the
locals tried to legally protest this devastating mistake,
the plant was given
another thirty day extension, resulting in tapping into
poison gases that
could not be shut down, destroying the air quality in
that little section of
what was once a paradise. Now when you ride a horse there,
you are saddled
with headaches from lack of oxygen caused by sulfur
When will we
learn, that money doesn't equal right?)