Here is the prayer my daddy taught me at a very young age:
"Angels of Good, Our Guardians Dear,
To Whom God's Love, Entrusts Us Here,
Ever this Night and Day, Be At our Sides,
To Light, To Guard, To rule, And guide,
this prayer haSs always brought the angels to my aid"
In all kinds of (weather,
whether) or not
we're together,
I want You to Share the Secrets of My Soul"
Say it once, mean it twice.
Music is the source of Life.
does anyone care to hear?
the songs of love we channel
beings far and near,
singing harmonies
for all with ears to hear...
this is the prophecy of today,
where men and women,
rich and poor,
stand equal,
in the light of the song
the universe sings,
harmonies created by a
divine and still living